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    Rural Radio Solutions

    Rural Industry Solutions is Beetrex’s solution for am­pli­fied cov­er­age for ports, mines, farms, energy plants, buildings or any project that adapts to territories in the rural area, inside or outside our existing coverage.

    From barges in sea to land in the middle of the jungle, being apart does not represent a limit when it comes to your communication, you can operate without interruptions.

    The work in the rural area commonly needs solutions designed specifically for their communications. If their operations take place on both sides of a mountain, on a cliff, in the depression of a river or simply far away in an open field, you still can operate with trust in your communications, even in the places where celular technology finds its limit. The coverage of your territory and signal clarity are our specialty.

    De­pend­ing on the na­ture of your op­er­a­tions, Bee­trex Industry So­lu­tions can work com­bined with Tun­nel­ing So­lu­tions and Rural so­lu­tions.

    Bee­trex Industry So­lu­tion finds its great­est po­ten­tial in the construction, energy, port and mining industries.


    The first step is to analyze the area that needs to be covered.


    With the information gathered we design a solution that fits your needs.


    Once you approve the design and budget, we install the system.


    In a rigorous manner, we periodically test and maintain your system.

    Another way to un‑spend